​Continental Journal of Engineering Sciences
Continental Journal of Engineering Sciences (ISSN: 1597 – 9928) is an international journal. It focuses on all aspects of engineering. Interdisciplinary nature of engineering sciences is welcome. Authors are free to submit original articles, review papers, short communications, technical notes, and letters to the editor in the sub-field of engineering science are accepted. Any interested authors who wish to submit or bring out a special issued are encouraged to do so, but the editor-in-chief must be contacted.
Preliminary assessment of manuscripts will be done before sending out to the reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to reject submissions. Papers submitted undergo double blind review before decisions. Frequency of publication is biannual, but articles can be submitted any time for consideration.
Continental Journal of Applied Sciences
Continental Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN 1597-894X) is an international open access and double-blind peer review journal. It considers and disseminates research results on all aspects of applied natural sciences. The frequency of publication is two times a year. Submissions are accepted any time of the year and may be considered as research article, review, short communication, and technical note.
Continental Journal of Agricultural Science
Continental Journal of Agricultural Science (ISSN: 1597 – 9926) is an international journal that publishes original articles on all areas of agricultural science. It serves as a platform for agriculturalists, scientists, and other stakeholders, who share a common interest. The journal accepts articles as research articles, short communications, letters to the editor, technical notes, and professional announcements. Papers will be accepted for publication at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. Fast review and publication will be given to manuscripts that contribute to knowledge. Papers under consideration elsewhere shall not be considered. All submissions should be in English.
Continental J. Sustainable Development
Continental Journal of Sustainable Development (CJSD) with ISSN: 2251 – 0486 is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal. The journal considers articles as original and full-length, review, short communication, and letter to the editor. The scopes include: Climate change, Ecology and sustainable development, Social impact assessment, Urban planning and development, Green construction and sustainable development, Waste and water management, and other areas the Editor-in-Chief deemed fit. Frequency of publication is biannual, articles are accepted any time of the year, but will be published in any of the issues.
Continental Journal of Biological Sciences
Continental Journal of Biological Sciences (CJBiolSci), a peer-reviewed journal publishes articles of significance in all areas of biological sciences in the forms of original research papers, reviews and short research communications.
Publication within a short period after acceptance.
On-line publication in advance of the printed journal.
Papers abstr/indexed by all the major scientific indexing services.
Continental Journal of Social Sciences (CJSSci)
CJSSci (ISSN: 2141 - 4265) is a scholarly open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in social sciences and humanities research. This open access, peer-reviewed journal encourages top-flight social science inquiry and research across all social science disciplines. It also recognizes contributions made by the social science research community to other disciplines. It is read by educators, researchers, practitioners and managers who wish to keep up to date with theoretical and empirical developments in the field.
Continental Journal of Information Technology (CJIT)
CJIT (ISSN: 2141 - 4033) is an international journal of high repute covering topics of interest to all those researching and working in the technology of information and knowledge management. The Editors welcome material on any aspect of information science theory, policy, application or practice that will advance thinking in the field. However, theoretical articles should consider the possible application of the proposed theory in other fields of research, commerce, education or government.
Continental J. Education Research
ISSN: 2141 - 4181
Continental Journal of Educational Research (CJEducRes) publishes regular papers and special issues on specific topics of interest to international audiences of educational researchers, students and policy makers. Accepts articles as original or review article.
Continental Journal of Arts and Humanities (CJAH)
- ISSN: 2141 - 4092
CJAH is an international multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed forum for research on all aspects of arts and humanities computing. It focuses both on conceptual or theoretical approaches and case studies or essays demonstrating how advanced information technologies further scholarly understanding of traditional topics in the arts and humanities. The journal also welcomes submissions on policy, epistemological, and pedagogical issues insofar as they relate directly to computing-based arts and humanities research.
Continental Journal of Environmental Sciences (CJEnvSci)
CJEnvSci (ISSN: 2141 - 4203) publishes objective reports and analyses of the major advances, trends, and challenges in environmental science, technology, and policy for a diverse professional audience. It aims to promote interdisciplinary understanding in the environmental field.